If you're suffering from chronic pain, you know what it's like to feel like you're stuck in a constant state of exhaustion. You might be wondering if there's any relief for your situation, and we have good news—there is!
According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), 1/3 of Americans use alternative medicine. That's because people are tired of treating the symptoms instead of the cause. As of 2021, 51.6 million people are in chronic pain, and 17.1 million people have experienced high impact chronic pain.
What if we told you that Holistic Remedies could help? The American Holistic Medical Association estimates that over half of their members practice some form of alternative medicine.
Holistic Remedies treat the whole person; body, mind and spirit. We take into account all aspects of your life when working with you, so that we can give you relief from pain without having to rely on pharmaceutical drugs—which can come with side effects that may be worse than your original symptoms!
If you can relate to this send me and email and we can discuss your story and how I may be able to help 🦋
Email: HolisticReality76@gmail.com
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