My spinal cord has straightened out since the majority of the removal. I am beyond grateful for this. Since my surgery my body has fought hard and my mental well-being has had its ups and downs. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in July 2022. It was explained to me that sometimes this condition can be diagnosed after having trauma to your body. The traditional 18 tender points examination, I failed 16 of them. My rheumatologist tested me for every autoimmune disease under the sun to rule out other issues. I was so relieved when everything was coming back negative, however I was beyond baffled as to why I was having painful days (nothing to do with my spine surgery) and chronic fatigue. My rheumatologist was patient and reassuring that what I was feeling was real and actually explained to me that the medicine that is out there for fibromyalgia has a success rate of only 25%. I flat out denied any medication. I said what is the point in putting synthetic pills into my already tired body for basically nothing? He gave me great reading material, suggested light exercises such as Tai Chi and rest when my body tells me to rest.
Right after this diagnosis I was scheduled for another MRI of my complete spine. More great news (insert sarcasm here) Bulging discs from C3-5. Herniated discs from C5-C7. The surgical site looks ok, still CSF present, herniated disc T10-T11 and L1-S1 filled with arthritis, slipped disc L4-L5 and facet arthropathy from L1-L5. Wow, that was a lot to take in! Sometimes I don't know whether I am coming or going!
Throughout all of this I have continued to do my research on natural remedies and how to help with my pain and discomfort. The mental stress this can cause a person is so hard to describe because everyone handles their situation differently. For me, setting a routine was so important. I have researched different vitamins and minerals that have proven relief. I cut out processed foods and refined sugars. This was not easy but once I got to week two, the cravings stopped and I was starting to feel better.
Little steps I kept telling myself. A little step forward is better than a step back. I started to keep a journal of foods that would trigger my pain and disrupt my sleep. In the beginning it was so hard to determine whether it was the food, or the activities I tried to do during the day that was triggering my symptoms. A lot of trial and error to say the least, but writing down my daily activities and food log helped me to cross my t's and dot my I's.
What am I getting at? There is HOPE! While I agree western medicine has its benefits sometimes you need to think outside the box. When you start to look at fruits, vegetables and herbs as medicine it changes everything including your mental health. I want to get my story out there and answer any questions you may have about post surgical care. I feel there is not enough education given to patients after surgery to help them adjust mentally to all that will change. Of course some people are lucky to have family and friends they can vent to, but unless they have gone through something similar they truly do not understand and though you are grateful for them it can be frustrating.
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